Program - 1st World Youth Assembly 2022
Over three days, young people from around the world will come together to represent the interests of youth and shape solutions to current and future environmental challenges.
The Assembly will begin at the United Nations in Geneva, where inspiring young people and leading personalities will speak about the role of youth in shaping the world of tomorrow.
The event will then take place at the University of Geneva. With the help of scientific experts and creative professionals, youth representatives will participate in workshops to develop concrete solutions for the environment.
The solutions developed during these sessions will be implemented in the Youth Charter, a tool for action and advocacy that will be presented at the closure of the event.
Follow this promising adventure by participating in the opening ceremony and the proclamation of the solutions in the Charter (open to the public, no age requirements).
Wednesday 20th of April 2022 (Day1)
Opening ceremony: United Nations Office at Geneva
An opening ceremony at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, with representatives of the UN-Geneva and the University of Geneva, with the intervention of young opinion leaders.
Register on this link : Make sure to register as “ACADEMIA” for “Representation type”.
(also broadcast online on and UNTV)
8 am – 9 am: Arrival of the Youth Representatives, experts, opinion leaders at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
9 am – 9.30 am: Official opening address, including the official supports and representations of the event:
- Ms. Tatiana Valovaya (Director of the United Nations’ Office in Geneva)
- Mr. Nicolas Levrat (University of Geneva, director of the Global Studies Institute)
- Ms. Christina Kitsos (City Councillor, Geneva)
9.30 am – 9.45 am: Explanation of the GYC’s objectives, Assembly’s objectives, and program:
- Frédéric Esposito (Director of the Bachelor in International Relations University of Geneva)
- Speakers: Geneva Youth Call
Eva Leona Luvisotto, Noa Rakotoarijaonina, Jérôme Lanci (Co-founders of the Geneva Youth Call)
9.45 am – 10.15 am: Cities and our Environmental Future: The Eco-century Project
- Alexandre Hedjazi, Director Global Environmental Policy Program, University of Geneva
- Panos Mantziaras, Director of the Braillard Architects Foundation, architect-urban planner
10.15 am – 11.15 am: Opinion leaders conference. Motivational speeches by young opinion leaders, calling on the youth to mobilize to generate a positive impact.
- Chair: Martin Patel (University of Geneva, Vice Director of the Institute for Environmental Sciences)
- Speakers:
- Maxime Dumont, In charge of Pangaea X Program, initiator of Reversed Board, In charge of mind-shifters
- Leon Gojani, Program Director at MCW Global, Kofi Annan Change Maker 2021
- Sharon Matongo, Lawyer, Legal Trainee at the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Co-founder of Charity Drive Zimbabwe, Kofi Annan Change Maker 2021
- Karimot Odebode, Founder of Black Girl’s Dream Initiative, Poet/Author
- Jeremiah Thoronka, Founder/CEO Optim Energy
- Abe Lim, lawyer, Co-Chair of the Next Generation Board of Client Earth Org, Founder of Purpose Plastics
11.15 am – 12 pm: Open discussion between the ISE Director, opinion leaders, and participants on the potential of youth to generate change.
- Moderator: Martin Patel, Vice Director ISE
12 pm – 1.30 pm: Lunch break at Palais des Nations
Afternoon Session (Uni Mail, University of Geneva)
Workshop sessions to raise awareness of environmental issues from which solutions will be drawn.
1.30 pm – 2 pm: Transfer from the Palais des Nations to the University of Geneva by public transports (Tram 15: Palais des Nations -> Uni-mail)
2.15 pm – 4.15 pm: 1st workshop session: distribution of the participants in 8 thematic workshops and first awareness with scientific experts followed by question and answer session between the experts and the youth representatives:
- Workshop #1: Ensuring access to clean water (Uni Mail, room 1130)
- Speaker: Jérémy Lucchetti, Prof. at UNIGE
- Workshop #2: Developing access to renewable energy (Uni Mail, room 1140)
- Speaker: Jan-Philipp Sasse, Prof. at UNIGE
- Workshop #3: Restoring ecosystems and preventing deforestation (Uni Mail, room 1150)
- Speaker: (TBD)
- Workshop #4: Preserving marine biodiversity (Uni Mail, room 1160)
- Speaker: Bastiaan Ibelings, Prof. at UNIGE
- Workshop #5: Sustainable consumption and production (Uni Mail, room 1170)
- Speaker: Dorinda Phillips, Geneva Ambassador Zero Waste Switzerland
- Workshop #6: Acting against plastic waste (Uni Mail, room M1193)
- Speaker: Laurianne Trimoulla, Oceaneye
- Speaker: Didier Perret, Prof. at UNIGE
- Workshop #7: Promoting sustainable cities’ development (Uni Mail, room MR150)
- Speaker: Alexandre Hedjazi, Prof. at UNIGE
- Speaker: Matteo Tarantino, Prof at UNIGE
- Workshop #8: Reducing and managing electronic waste (Online – Zoom)
- Speaker: Joost de Kluijver, Closing the Loop
5 pm – 5.30 pm: Meeting of all participants: (Uni mail auditorium R380)
Summary and explanation of the next day’s proceedings (GYC team)
7 pm – 8 pm: Drink offered by the City of Geneva to the Youth Representatives and speakers.
Thursday 21st of April 2022 (Day 2)
Morning Session (Uni Mail, University of Geneva):
Workshop sessions: assessment of the core problems, outline of resolutions and solutions, supervised by field experts.
8.15 am – 10.15 am: Deliberation and preparation session among youth representatives (no expert intervention, same rooms)
10.15 am – 10.30 am: Break at Uni Mail.
10.30 am – 12 pm: Sessions of elaboration and construction of solutions, supervised by field experts.
- Workshop #1: Ensuring access to clean water (Uni Mail room 1130)
- Expert: Klas Moldeus, UN Water
- Expert: Maria Ana Borges, IUCN
- Workshop #2: Developing access to renewable energy (Uni Mail room 1140)
- Expert: Eli Cohen, Founder and CEO Alaya Water and Ecology
- Expert: Margaux Emery, Project Manager in Renewable Electricity Products
- Workshop #3: Restoring ecosystems and preventing deforestation (Uni Mail room 1150)
- Expert: Jan Isler, Founder and Director of OneAction
- Expert: Stuart Orr, Freshwater Leader, WWF
- Workshop #4: Preserving marine biodiversity (Uni Mail room 1160)
- Expert: Jessica Battle, Senior Expert Global Ocean Policy and Governance, WWF
- Expert: Sian Owen, Director Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
- Workshop #5: Sustainable consumption and production (Uni Mail room 1170)
- Expert: Dorinda Phillips, Geneva Ambassador Zero Waste Switzerland
- Expert: Julie Perrenoud, Agenda 21
- Workshop #6: Acting against plastic waste (Uni Mail room M1193)
- Expert: Lise Andrey, Race for Water Foundation
- Expert: Milan Despotovic, The SeaCleaners Swiss
- Workshop #7: Promoting sustainable cities’ development (Uni Mail room MR150)
- Expert: Horace Perret, Science and You(th) project leader
- Workshop #8: Reducing and managing electronic waste (Online – Zoom)
- Expert: Sophia Simmons, Global Shapers Community, WEF
- Expert: Pascal Leroy, WEEE Forum
- Expert: Gaëlle Mogli, ConnectAID
- Speaker: Rachel Harri Weiser, ConnectAID
12 pm – 1.30 pm: Lunch at Uni Mail
Afternoon Session (Uni Mail, University of Geneva):
Workshop sessions: consolidation of the solutions envisioned, selection of the methods and needs, precision of the method, supervised by field experts.
1.30 pm – 3.45 pm: Sessions of consolidation and solutions specification, supervised by field experts. (Same rooms, same experts)
3.45 pm – 4 pm: Break at Uni mail
4 pm – 6 pm: Deliberation and finalization session among youth representatives (no expert intervention, same rooms)
Friday 22nd of April 2022 (Day 3)
Morning Session (Uni Mail, University of Geneva):
Final workshop session. Finalization of solutions, refinement of final elements, and preparation for presentation of solutions (no expert intervention)
8.15 am – 10.15 am: Finalization of solutions, refinement of final elements (no expert intervention, same rooms)
10.15 am – 10.30 am: Break at Uni mail
10.30 am – 12 pm: Preparation for the presentation of solutions (no expert intervention, same rooms)
12 pm – 1.30 pm: Lunch at Uni Mail
Closing ceremony: Charter approval ceremony at the University of Geneva
Presentation of the solutions of each workshop, approval of the proposals and adoption of the Youth Charter.
Auditorium U600 – Uni Dufour (Rue Général-Dufour 24, 1204 Genève)
Registration link for the public:
(also broadcasted online on
1.30 pm – 1.40 pm: Opening of the ceremony
1.40 pm – 4.20 pm: Presentation of the solutions
- 1.40 pm – 1.50 pm: Solutions developed on the Geneva Youth Call virtual space
- 1.50 pm – 2.05 pm: “Ensuring access to clean water”
- 2.05 pm – 2.20 pm: “Developing access to renewable energy”
- 2.20 pm – 2.35 pm: “Restoring ecosystems and preventing deforestation”
- 2.35 pm – 2.50 pm: “Preserving marine biodiversity”
2.50 pm – 3.00 pm: Break at Uni-Dufour Hall
3.00 pm – 3.05 pm: Net 0 by 2050
- 3.05 pm – 3.20 pm: “Sustainable consumption and production”
- 3.20 pm – 3.35 pm: “Acting against plastic waste”
- 3.50 pm – 4.05 pm: “Promoting sustainable cities’ development”
- 4.05 pm – 4.20 pm: “Reducing and managing electronic waste”
4.20 pm – 4.35 pm: Break Uni-Dufour Hall
4.35 pm – 5.00 pm: Presentation of the Geneva Youth Call Team
5.00 pm – 5.20 pm: First public release of the World Youth Charter.
5.20 pm – 5.30 pm: Results of the readiness estimations of the solutions.
5.30 pm – 6.00 pm: Open discussion with the participants and Q&A session.
6.00 pm – 6.30 pm: Proclamation of the Youth Charter and official handover to Ms. Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service in Geneva.