Uniting the World’s Youth
The GYC wants to bring together the world’s youth, including all genders, nationalities, and specificities.
The ultimate goal of the GYC is to generate concrete solutions related to the SDGs.
The GYC wants to go beyond national interests or ideologies and act following universal principles, such as human rights, equality, and freedom.
Basis for dialogue and change and critical elements of GYC’s participatory approach. Under a caring and tolerant framework, everyone’s opinions can be expressed and must be heard and respected.
What is Geneva Youth Call?
The Geneva Youth call is an initiative to unite the World Youth together, to bring our voices to the United Nations, and to contribute to the changes it needs. The project is currently centered around 3 key elements : a Virtual Platform, a World Youth Charter, World Youth Assemblies.
What can I do?
The Geneva Youth Team believes that the world youth has an amazing potential to generate ideas and create solutions. All it needs is a place to share and cooperate… and that’s where we come in! This platform was created to connect youth, spot important global problems, and generate new solutions together.
Do you often think about solutions to create a better world? Share it as a Problem Solver and inspire our Youth Charter.
What’s happening right now?
The Geneva Youth Team is currently working on a World Youth Charter, inspired by youth’s proposals and solutions from our forms.
The Charter will be debated and adopted during the first World Youth Assembly that we are organizing and will take place in April 2022, in Geneva. This assembly, independent of any state representation, will allow us to take stock of the current challenges and to draw up the first solutions that can be brought by the Youth. This year, it will be focused on Environmental Protection and will be an opportunity for young people to take part in the formulation of the Youth Charter and to meet UN experts.
What’s next?
Our goal is to organize each year a new World Youth Assembly, address each of our global thematics over time and add a new chapter to the Charter annually as well as adapt the previous ones.
Between the Assemblies, we aim to share the Charter to as many people as possible, so governments and leaders can sign it and use it to create solutions.
We also would like to develop in the future an educational program to raise awareness about our thematics and global issues while promoting solutions that were submitted.

World Youth Assembly
20nd to 22th of April 2022, join us !
Geneva, Switzerland
Come to the very first Global Youth Assembly at the United Nations in Geneva and make your voice count!
Independent of any state representation, young people will reflect on current challenges and elaborate concrete solutions regarding our first theme: Environment.

It will be an opportunity for young people from all around the world to validate the progress of the Global Youth Charter and to meet UN experts, in-person or online.